Jana Buffel Creatieve Marketing Coödinator

Plan beeMatrix

This year, beMatrix expects some real buzz at the HQ in Roeselare (BE). We have subscribed to support a brand new project to save the Belgian bee population!

Bees are not doing well today. Natuurpunt – a Belgian independent volunteer organisation that protects vulnerable and endangered nature in Flanders – has established the bee population has diminished by about 25%. In 2015, bee mortality rates in our country were twice as high as the European average. Trying to save bees might sound a little idealistic, but in fact, when you look into it, it really isn’t. Laura Coucke, beManiac and passionate beekeeper herself, confirms: “Should the honeybee become extinct, we can forget about popular food such as apples, strawberries, tomatoes and coffee.” Bees indeed are responsible for important crops that are used for human consumption.

Several external factors cause the bees to be in a very vulnerable position right now; especially over the winter months, when no less than 10% of the bees die. No doubt the varroa mite also contributes to these figures dwindling. The varroa mite is a deadly Asian parasite that actually reproduces in honeybee colonies. During winter, bees normally stop procreating because of the cold. However, due to climate change and milder temperatures, the queen bee does not stop breeding, giving the varroa mite free rein. Additionally, there is the extended use of pesticides by farmers, a downright disaster for bees. These chemicals kill the already weakened bees in no time at all.

“Should the honeybee become extinct, we can forget about popular foods such as apples, strawberries, tomatoes and coffee.” 

Since ‘every little helps’ we will welcome a bee population at the beginning of March 2020 at our headquarters. By June, the count of this population should already be over 50,000. We already started to make our premises as bee friendly as possible by planting plenty of perennial plants and bulbs which will make for quite a colourful entrance in spring. There are aslo shrubs and trees close by to provide the required pollen. We even hope to surprise our beManiacs with a jar of our own honey! 

Did you know…

A bee population has only one queen bee? In summer, she is capable of laying up to 2,000 eggs per day. A bee colony consists of 80% to 90% workers (female bees). Male bees, also called drones, are indeed a minority. The workers have a lot on their plate: cleaning the hive, feeding the larvae, fetching nectar and pollen…