Privacy policy

The protection of your personal data is of utmost importance to beMatrix BVBA (hereafter: beMatrix). In this privacy policy, we describe the measures we are taking to guarantee the protection of your personal data in accordance with Belgian privacy legislation and the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This explanation is intended to inform you clearly how we take care of your data within beMatrix.

This privacy policy was last amended on * February 2018 and applies to all visits to, and use of the website ( as well as to all (commercial) relations (and the exchange of data that may be associated with the same) between beMatrix and its (potential) customers, suppliers and/or business partners.

Role of beMatrix

beMatrix is the Controller for the purposes of the processing of personal data in the various processes and systems that are applicable to or used by beMatrix.

As Controller, beMatrix shall take the necessary technical and organisational measures to protect such personal data.

BeMatrix Activities 

Our mission is to make life easier for the stand builder.

How do we do this:

  • By innovating and setting the trend.
  • By continuously working on our service level.
  • By constantly increasing our quality standards.
  • By expanding our international network.

We have a partner programme (bePartners), which enables us to fulfil our mission.

The collaboration with our bePartners is under a contract that includes the necessary provisions relating to the processing agreement.

Website - Social media - Marketing

beMatrix has a website through which it informs you about our services and events.

Use of Cookies

beMatrix uses cookies and similar technologies (collectively called, "Cookies") on its website(s). Cookies are small data files that are stored on your computer or device when you visit our website(s). Our website(s) use different types of Cookies: thus for example, there are Cookies that are required to enable our website(s) to work correctly, Cookies to increase your browsing convenience so that you do not receive or need to enter the same information repeatedly, Cookies that register certain information about you for statistical purposes, or the interest you have shown on our website(s) in order to make relevant offers, possibly even outside our website(s), and third-party Cookies to improve the content and operation of our website(s) (e.g. Google Analytics) or to follow up and optimise the beMatrix banners on other websites.

You can set your browser to disable cookies. You can find information about how to adjust the Cookie settings in most browsers under Help or Tools Note: most websites do not work optimally if you disable cookies.

When you visit our website, we follow your browsing behaviour for analytical purposes, for improving your browsing convenience, and for marketing purposes.

Social media

beMatrix has a company page on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram. These are only used for B2B communication. As a data subject, you are free to follow or not follow beMatrix via such social media platforms.


You are free to sign up for our newsletter, this is based on casual permission. If you do so, your contact details (see below) will be included in our CRM database and may be used for activities with a view to the (potential) implementation of the agreement or the legitimate interest of our company to offer high quality (potential) customer service and product support. An option to unsubscribe can be found on every newsletter; should you choose to unsubscribe, you will receive no further newsletters. Your contact details will still be retained in our CRM application so we can continue to provide other services.

What data is collected?

We receive and process data from companies/suppliers/partners/subcontractors etc. and their employees in connection with an ongoing collaboration or collaboration in the future (prospective).

Employees from companies can also contact beMatrix via our website:

This data falls into the “General Identification Data” category, and may include:

- Company
- Address (Street, number, postcode, town/city, country)
- Surname
- First name
- Job title
- Email address
- Landline or mobile telephone number
- Number plate
- Nationality
- Gender

Why do we collect your data?

We need this data for our standard business operations and for delivering our services.

The legal basis for processing this data is the (potential) implementation of an agreement. The provision of the above data is a necessary precondition for contacting beMatrix and possibly entering into an agreement. If you do not provide this information, it would be impossible for beMatrix to contact you and thus enter into a contract.

If this data is used solely to communicate with beMatrix employees or an affiliate of beMatrix, the legal basis for such processing is beMatrix's legitimate interest in providing high quality customer service and product support.

If the data is also used for marketing purposes, the legal basis is either beMatrix's legitimate interest in advertising to existing customers for similar products, or your free consent to receive marketing information.

If the information provided were to contain special categories of personal data (such as nationality, health data, data on criminal offences, national register number, data concerning sex life, political opinions, trade union membership, etc.), the legal basis for processing the same is your freely given consent to the processing of such data.

The general identification data is used for the following, among other things:

  • Professional contacts by telephone, mobile phone, e-mail, etc.
  • Delivery of services to your company and employees
  • Newsletters and information about our seminars and training courses. There is an opt-in/opt-out option for this communication
  • The provision of training
  • Marketing activities
  • Recruitment and selection
  • Security
How do we collect your data?

We collect your data in various ways, including:

  • Personal/telephone/written contact
  • Contact form on our website
  • Contacts at fairs, seminars and events
  • Cooperation with a commercial partner
For how long will your data be retained?

Unless a longer retention period is required or justified in order to comply with (i) a period of limitation or expiry provided under the law or (ii) other legal obligation, your data will not be retained longer than necessary for the purposes for which it was collected, as described in this privacy policy.

Transfer to third parties

We will never sell or rent your data to companies or individuals that are not part of beMatrix.

If we make use of an external processor, we shall always ensure your data is treated confidentially and used in a secure manner. The external processor will always enter into a contract with beMatrix. The processors will never be allowed to use your personal data for their own purposes.

It is possible that beMatrix may have to disclose your personal data:

  • to the competent authorities (i) if beMatrix is bound to do so under the law or in connection with judicial proceedings, and (ii) to safeguard and defend the rights of beMatrix
  • If beMatrix, or almost the entirety of its assets, are taken over by a third party; in such case, your personal data that beMatrix has collected shall be one of the assets that are transferred

Any transfer of personal data outside the European Economic Area (EEA) to a recipient whose domicile or registered office is in a country which is not covered under the adequacy decision enacted by the European Commission, shall be governed by the provisions of a data transfer agreement, which shall contain (i) the standard contractual clauses, as referred to in the ‘European Commission Decision of 5 February 2010 (Decision 2010/87/EC)’, or (ii) is based on any other mechanism pursuant to privacy legislation, or any other regulations pertaining to the processing of personal data.

In the case of beMatrix, a transfer may be made to third countries. If you wish, you may always obtain more information about the country to which your personal data is transferred, and the appropriate measures that have been taken. You may contact us via the contact details mentioned in this privacy policy.

Minimum data processing

The personal data we collect is sufficient and relevant for our purposes. We restrict our collection of your personal data to the minimum amount necessary for the purposes we process the personal data.

Automatic processing and profiling

beMatrix does not carry out profiling or allow full automatic processing of your personal data.

How do we protect your data?

We take care of the necessary technical and organisational measures to guarantee the security of your personal data.

Organisationally, we have a detailed information security policy, accompanying action plan, a privacy statement, and clear responsibilities and authorities. The necessary processes and procedures are also in place to implement and follow this policy in the most optimal way possible.

What are your rights and how can you exercise them?

As a data subject, you have different rights; these are listed in the GDPR and include:

  • Right of access by the data subject
  • Right to rectification of data
  • Right to erasure: under certain conditions you have the right to have your personal data erased; this request can be refused
  • Right to data portability
  • Right to object
  • Right to restriction of processing

(See GDPR - Chapter III - Rights of the data subject)

In principle, you can exercise these rights free of charge. To do so, you must send us a clear request to, accompanied by a copy of your identity card, in order to prevent any unauthorised disclosure of your personal data. You must also specify the rights that you wish to enforce, with information on how we can contact you.

If your request is manifestly unfounded or excessive, we may charge a reasonable fee for the administrative costs of complying with your request, or refuse to comply with your request. Moreover, you may only exercise these rights once every six months.

In any case, we will inform you at the latest within one month of the action taken on your request.

Contact details

All data will be saved in the beMatrix files. As controller, we are responsible for compliance with our data protection policy in all our locations.

Controller: beMatrix BVBA Roeselare

Wijnendalestraat 174
B-8800 Roeselare
Tel +32 51 20 07 50
CBE 0872.770.168

beMatrix complies with all the regulations imposed by the Data Protection Authority (DPA) If you do not agree with the manner in which beMatrix BVBA processes your data, you may contact the Data Protection Authority

Drukpersstraat 35, 1000 Brussels
Tel+32 (0)2 274 48 00 - Fax +32 (0)2 274 48 35

Stay informed of changes

beMatrix may change this Privacy Policy from time to time, for example in view of market developments, new processing activities, and reactions from data subjects. We therefore invite you to always consult the latest version of this policy on our website. Naturally, we will inform you in advance via our website or other current communication channels concerning any changes to the content and, if required by law, we will ask for your prior consent for our (new) processing activities.